IBIX USA Is An Essential Supplier To Essential Service Providers Providing Critical Infrastructure Work During the Covid-19 Emergency
IBIX USA is an essential supplier for products used by SERVPRO’s nationwide network of essential service providers who are supporting critical infrastructure work performing professional essential services, as set forth in the Shelter in Place Order or Emergency Declaration issued by your state or local government. We support the critical infrastructure work as defined below by providing essential supplies which allows the SERVPRO franchises to perform these services.
The disaster recovery, emergency mitigation and disinfection, and restoration industries provide essential services necessary to protect public health, safety, and essential operation of homes and businesses. When water or fire damage drives a family from its home, the SERVPRO network, which is comprised of more than 1,800 independently owned and operated franchises, mitigates the adverse effects and restores the residence for occupancy. When dangerous toxins or pathogens, such as microbes and viruses, contaminate a structure, the professinal in the SERVPRO franchise network employ products approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to clean, disinfect and restore the property.
The SERVPRO franchise network plays a vitial role in protecting public health and safety. As the current Covid-19 crisis unfolds, orders have been promulgated to shelter in place and limit movements. All of these orders have recognized the vital importance of service providers necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of critical infrastructure, residences, and businesses.
According to the4 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce dated March 19, 2020, the SERVPRO professional service providers are designated as “essential critical infrastructure workers” under the following provisions:
- Workers such as plumbers, electricians, exterminators, and other services providers who provide services that are necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences;
- Workers to ensure continuity of building functions;
- Workers who support hazardous materials response and cleanup; and
- Workers supporting the operation and maintenance of facilities.
The SERVPRO franchise network has thousand of technicians and service providers trained and certified in the use of the proper products and personal protective equipment (PPE) that enables them to safely clean, disinfect and restore homes and businesses.
IBIX USA is a vendor for critical supplies needed for the providers of essential services. The SERVPRO franchise network is prepared to address the most pressing disaster restoration, cleanup, and disinfection issues facing our customers, whether it involves emergency mitigation and recovery, or cleaning and disinfecting homes, schools, healthcare and quarantine facilities, public institutions, and businesses, but needs the supplies produced by IBIX USA to provide these services.